There's a lot happening on this page, but let's break it down. Aside from this description, there are 4 main components.
Let's go through them piece by piece. Each section will start with a general overview and some will have a second section that delves into the more technical details of what is happening.
In the middle of the page is the pendulum simulation. It is an actual live simulation, not a recording. It simulates a perfect pendulum with no friction or air resistance.
The default simulation method is accurate enough that it will not be immediately obvious that there are two pendulums being displayed for quite some time (after 10 minutes of my development machine the position error was still under 1/1000 of a pixel). There is the black pendulum that is immediately in view which is the simulated pendulum. Behind the black pendulum there is a blue one that represents the true calculated position of the pendulum.
By choosing a less accurate method (such as Euler) and setting the Min dt to a higher value (such as 1.0)
The simulation of the pendulum is being drive by my npm package generic-rk, which offers a generic solution for any explicit or embedded Runge-Kutta method that can be represented with a Butcher tableau. This Wikipedia article offers more information.
The acceleration of the pendulum at any given point is given by the formula
omega = (2.0)^0.5
acceleration = -omega^2.0 * position;
For more information on the Runge-Kutta algorithm see the npm package of GitHub page for generic-rk.
The simulation will vary from computer to computer and likely at different points in time. This is due to making the choice to run the simulation in real time rather than at a dedicated time step. The simulation attempts to update the screen 30 times a second if the computer used to display the simulation can't keep up there can definitely be some variation in error. Additionally, some strange behavior can occur if the tab the simulation is open in loses focus. The simulation is also subject to standard floating-point errors. All distances for the simulation are done in pixels so that the data matches the visualization.
The visualization of the pendulum is driven by d3.
The configuration form represents the available and tunable arguments for the Runge-Kutta algorithm. Most visitors are likely only going to need the first two fields.
The data form represents the current information about the pendulum system.
There isn't too much to the error plot. It updates in real time along with the pendulum, and it plots the values of Absolute Position Error and Total Distance Error over time. If the user lets the simulation run long enough some noticeable simplifications in the data may appear on the chart. This is due to the page attempting to keep the total number of data points to a reasonable level.
The error plot is created using the JS implementation of Plotly. It uses an implementation of the "Largest Triangle Three Bucket" algorithm by Sveinn Steinarsson to reduce the data points without any significant loss in data visualization. I did not write the implementation of this algorithm that is being used. The visible loss in data seems to be due to the need to run the reduction multiple times not necessarily from an error in the implementation of the algorithm.